Master Plan

The White Horse Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (WHPL) is a modern plant that fully complies with cGMP-WHO requirements. A new state of the art Facility world class Pharmaceutical plant which is 4.5 Acres land. All the Facilities and equipment have been designed, built & procure to ensure international certification.
Manufacturing Facilities
- Solid Dosage Form (Tablet, Capsule)
- Dry Powder for Suspension (DPS)
- Cephalosporin Products
- Semi-Solid Dosage Form (Cream & Ointment)
Research & Development

Our R&D (Research & Development) is a multidisciplinary facility Catering to the Company is Multi-Product needs The White Horse Pharmaceuticals Ltd. uses advanced technology as well sophisticated Machineries & equipment by which we may ensure the safety & efficacy of the product also better Patient Compliance. The Research & Development Department deals with Selection of a route followed by exploration, execution leading to a practical Process Capable of delivering a Product that is acceptable to all regulatory markets of the world for this The White Horse Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is an excellent Position to compete domestic & International Market as well.
Product Quality

Since we launched The White Horse Pharmaceuticals Ltd. very much conscious regarding quality in all respect. Our quality assurance division has mandate to ensure that people, processes & products measure up to our corporate slogan “Better Quality Always”. Today cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice) & GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) training sessions from an integral part of our corporate culture.
Also provide highest emphasis on quality. It uses advanced technology that maximizes product efficiency of minimizes the environmental impact, Accelerated of long term stability testing, Product quality Optimization.
The White Horse Pharmaceuticals Ltd. has sophisticated Instrument Lab, Chemical Lab, Microbiological Lab, Research& Development Lab. Which are well equipped with modern & sensitive instruments.